here are all the answers to your questions through Instagram on running, eating, red hair, dating, cross training and more! If you have a question leave it in the question box in the Run eat Repeat Instagram stories or below in the comments!
I broke this out into 3 videos – so it’s part 1 of 3, 2 of 3 and 3 of 3 in IGTV and here.
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Questions and Answers from Instagram
* Answers are in video on IGTV *
* Or on the Run eat Repeat Facebook page *
Instagram questions 4 – video 1 of 3
IG questions 4 (1 of 3) – click here to watch
Q: who takes your insta post pictures?
RER: My mom, lil brother, a friend, stranger… or I use a tripod.
Q: If you couldn’t run… what exercise would you do?
RER: Cry.
Q: will you be a guest on my podcast?
RER: Yes.
Q: What do you do to train when you’re injured?
RER: It depends on the injury… but I did non impact cardio when I was injured.
Q: have you ever had a tension fracture?
RER: I don’t think so??
Q: Do you carry some form of ID when you run?
RER: Fail! I used to but dropped the ball on this. I used to be so good about taking ID on a long run and I used to have a road ID on my shoe laces… but I don’t now.
Q: Core work ideas for people who hate core work!
RER: Okay! I’ll get on this!
Instagram questions 4 – video 2 of 3
These questions are answered in video 2 of 3.
IG questions 4 (2 of 3) click here to view
Q: I also have hypothyroidism… When you first started running, did you feel extra fatigued?
A: I started running before I realized I had thyroid issues so I wasn’t very aware of how running affected me. I couldn’t tell if I was much more exhausted or if the medication impacted my energy level.
I do realize that long distance running can be hard on your body, energy and potentially can impact your health (including thyroid and adrenals).
Q: how do you stay motivated to get out there and run on your own?
RER: I really love it. I also think it’s essential to make it easy and fun! set yourself up for success by planning it out, having the best gear, rolling with a set back, doing what you can when you can.
If you need motivation consider signing up for a race and getting a training plan so it’s a part of your schedule.
1. I think a big part of it is – I delight in it.
2. It’s a part of my routine. I wake up … change into running clothes … (make iced coffee – restroom – update Instagram – other random things) … then opt for a run!
Q: I need your eyelash game! What’s your secret?
RER: Thanks!! I get a lot of questions IRL (‘in real life’) about my lashes. people ask if they’re fake or lash extensions… nope! I don’t know how to put false eyelashes on or I probably would! maybe not… I’m lazy.
Tak jako tak. I promise by this mascara – the fat tubes that are yellow or hot pink by Maybelline are the best! Not the little pink tube – the bigger one.
The best mascara overall is Maybelline volume express The Colossal in the yellow tube
Mascara for volume / thickness : L’Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise
Mascara for thickness at the base of your lashes: I think this brush is terrific for putting mascara at the base of your lashes so they look thick and your lash line looks defined even without eyeliner – Maybelline Lash Sensational Luscious Mascara
Instagram questions 4 – video 3 of 3
IG questions 4 (3 of 3) click here to watch
Q: speed work – ought to you really do it on the track instead of street? I’m nervous because I’ve never ran on the track.
RER: You don’t have to… it helps with speed work, especially shorter distance speed workouts. but if you don’t have access to a track you can make it work somewhere else.
Running on a track is terrific because you don’t have to view the distance on your view and can focus on your effort and hitting your goal times. but if you have somewhere to run that’s flat and measured out accurately – use that.
Q: So did you ever pick a walk in song for WWE?
RER: Nope! I can’t decide!
Q: What running shoes do you suggest for people with high arch?
RER: go to a running shoe store and get fitting for the best shoes for your body and needs. It’s better to avoid an injury or any discomfort before you have to deal with treating it. So, getting fitted and getting ideas on the kind of running shoe you need is a really good idea.
I like road Runner sports – it’s a chain of running shoe stores in California and they fit you and have you run on a treadmill that has a video camera set up behind it near your feet to see how you run. They evaluate your foot shape – including arch and your foot strike. From there they’ll be able to suggest what kind of running shoes you need.
Bonus: use code RUNEATREPEAT to save 20% when you sign up forJejich VIP program (který poskytuje diskontované ceny na všem v obchodě) nebo ušetří 10% bez registrace. Platí některé vyloučení, podrobnosti naleznete na webu.
Podívejte se na Road Runner Sports zde a zjistěte, zda je ve vašem okolí umístění.
Otázka: Už jste někdy křížoví?
RER: Ano … asi dvakrát týdně dělám silový trénink.
Otázka: Kdo vyhrál prozradí Lexus Lace Up Irvine?
RER: Oznámil jsem to v příbězích Instagramu – a brzy se blíží další dárky!
Otázka: Co je nejdelší, co jsi odešel bez závodění?
RER: Hmmm … možná je to teď nejlepší! Hádal bych 3 nebo 4 měsíce?
Otázka: Jak mohu získat tónované paže jako ty vaše?
RER: Sílový trénink! Pokud důsledně dělám sílu horní části těla, cítím určitě rozdíl. ]
Otázka: Náhodné, ale jak obvykle si umýváte a střílíte vlasy?
RER: A asi 3krát ročně jsem si řezal nebo ořízl vlasy. Umývám to asi každé 3 dny … Mluvím o tom mnohem podrobněji (můj plán praní vlasů a produkty, které používám) ve své poslední Instagramové otázce a odpovědi.
Podívejte se na toto video, kde najdete podrobnosti o mých vlasech praní špinavých tajemství.
Otázka: Margarita nebo Sangria?
RER: Ano, prosím!
Otázka: Stále děláte Invisalign? Co se s tím stalo? Dělám to také.
RER: Ano! Právě jsem skončil a dostal můj držák !!
Otázka: Chodíte s někým?
RER: Ano.
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