hi as well as pleased Sunday! I am in Panama best now as well as have lined up a fun series while I’m gone. I’m asking a few of my preferred blog writers to meal about their running as well as food should haves!
Today Tina from belief physical fitness fun shares her thoughts
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Marathonský tréninkový den 4
Marathon training diary Day 4 inspect in
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4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners
1. Where is your preferred location to run?
I like running essentially anywhere outdoors. We have a regional running path not far from where I online as well as I discover myself running there a lot. It is so relaxed as well as everybody is so friendly. Plus, it has cows.
2. What is your preferred thing to eat after you run?
Surprisingly enough, I’m typically not as well hungry best after a run so I will normally have a smoothie or bowl of cereal. O pár hodin později? view out! If I might home a significant brunch after every run as well as then chase it with a beer or some candy corn, I would be a pleased camper.
3. What is your preferred piece of running gear?
My Garmin. mainly since I never keep in mind to plan as well as figure out my mileage before I leave.
4. name the #1 race you dream of running…
I want to run a Ragnar Relay or other overnight team relay one day. It seems like such fun!
5. Which race that you’ve ran is your favorite?
Well, I have only run a handful…one 5K, one 10K, as well as one 15K. I have a feeling my preferred race will be my very first half marathon (Savannah rock N Roll) next month!
6. What is your preferred tune to run to?
“Pour Some Sugar On Me” never gets old for me. But, I’m a overall top 40 gal as well as well as can’t seem to have a playlist without Black Eyed Peas, Glee, woman Gaga, Katy Perry, or Pink on it.
Thanks Tina!
Now it’s your turn to response each of these concerns starting with #1 today…
Question #1: Where is your preferred location to run (or walk)?
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